The Transfer Hook extension and Transfer Hook Interface introduced in the Solana Program Library offer developers a powerful mechanism for integrating custom logic into token transfers. This functionality allows for the execution of specified instructions whenever tokens from a particular Mint Account are transferred, enabling a wide range of use cases such as transaction fees, compliance checks, or additional validation steps.


  • Transfer Hook Extension: This extension allows Mint Accounts to execute custom instructions upon every token transfer.
  • Transfer Hook Interface: Defines the contract for the custom logic to be executed during token transfers. It specifies the necessary instructions, including an Execute instruction that is invoked on every token transfer.

Key Components

  1. Cross Program Invocation (CPI): The Token Extensions program uses CPIs to call the Transfer Hook program, ensuring that custom logic is executed as part of the token transfer process.
  2. Read-Only Accounts Conversion: To prevent malicious activities, the accounts involved in the initial transfer are converted to read-only accounts when the Token Extensions program makes a CPI to a Transfer Hook program.
  3. Anchor Framework: The guide suggests using the Anchor framework for building the Transfer Hook program, facilitating the development process with its Rust-based DSL for Solana.
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Steps to Implement a Transfer Hook

  1. Build a Transfer Hook Program: Implement the Transfer Hook Interface in a custom program. This involves handling the Execute instruction to incorporate your logic, such as transferring a fee or performing additional checks.
  2. Initialize a Mint Account with Transfer Hook Extension: When creating a Mint Account, enable the Transfer Hook extension. This setup ensures that the Token Extensions program can invoke the custom Transfer Hook program for every transfer.
  3. Use the Anchor Framework: Anchor simplifies the creation of Solana programs by abstracting away boilerplate code and providing a clear structure for program development.
  4. Define Custom Instructions: Your Transfer Hook program should define instructions for initializing extra account metadata (if necessary) and for the custom logic to be executed on transfers. This might include transferring fees or other custom actions.
  5. Deploy and Test: After building the Transfer Hook program, deploy it to the Solana blockchain and test it thoroughly to ensure that the custom logic executes as expected on token transfers.
GitHub - coral-xyz/anchor: ⚓ Solana Sealevel Framework
⚓ Solana Sealevel Framework. Contribute to coral-xyz/anchor development by creating an account on GitHub.

Security Considerations

  • The design ensures that the sender's signer privileges do not extend to the Transfer Hook program, mitigating the risk of unauthorized actions.
  • Developers must carefully implement the Transfer Hook program to prevent vulnerabilities that could be exploited by malicious actors.
Transfer Hook extension guide by ZYJLiu · Pull Request #43 · solana-foundation/developer-content
Transfer Hook extension guide. Solana Playground links this Anchor program for starter / solution code.

Practical Use Case

The guide provides a practical example where a Transfer Hook program requires the sender to pay a fee in wrapped SOL (wSOL) for every token transfer. This showcases how developers can impose custom transaction fees or other logic as part of the token transfer process.

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The Transfer Hook extension and interface offer developers a versatile tool for embedding custom logic into the token transfer process on the Solana blockchain. By following the outlined steps and adhering to best practices for security and testing, developers can leverage this functionality to create more dynamic and functional token applications.

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